Binance FET Quiz Answers

Binance FET Quiz Answers

Complete करें इस Binance FET Quiz को और पाएं मौका फ्री Crypto Earn करने का।

Binance में अक्सर महीने में 2 से 3 बार कोई न कोई एक Quiz आता है और अगर आप इसको complete करते हो तो आप फ्री में Crypto Earn कर सकते हो।

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Binance FET Quiz में कुल 10 सवाल पूछे जाएंगे। आपको सबसे पहले इन सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर देने हैं। तो जल्दी से जाके इस quiz को खेल लें।

नोट: नीचे जितने भी सवाल दिए गए हैं आपको Randomly पूछ सकता है, यानी हो सकता है प्रश्न 1 प्रश्न 4 की जगह पूछे या 4 नंबर 1 नंबर की जगह। लेकिन जवाब सभी के यही होंगे।

Q.1 what technologies are leveraged by the ASI alliance?

Ans: decentralised, AI services, autonomous agents, and secure data exchange frameworks.

Q.2 How will the ASI Alliance impact the AI ecosystem?

Ans. it will work towards the creation of artificial general and super intelligence whilst  increasing collaboration, improving access to AI technologies, and promoting decentralised ethical AI development.

Q.3 What role does ocean protocol play in the ASI alliance?

Ans: it provides a secure and transparent data exchange framework, enabling AI models to access and utilise large datasets for training and improvement.

Q.4 what are the benefits and importance of decentralizing AI?

Ans. it reduces the risk of control by a few entities, foster innovation through open collaboration, and ensures wider access to advanced AI technologies.

Q.5 What is AGI and ASI?

Ans. AGI entails the creation of models that match or surpass human level cognitive abilities. ASI entails systems that are far surpass human level general intelligence across every dimension.

Q. What are the main goals of ASI alliance?

Ans. to accelerate AI research and development, promote decentralised and ethical AI development, and work towards the creation of human-level artificial general intelligence and at stages artificial intelligence.

Q.7  What are’s autonomous agents?

Ans. Intelligent Software entities capable of performing complex tasks, interacting with other agents, and providing valuable services without human intervention.

Q.8 How can I participate in the ASI alliance?

Ans. by following the official channels, engaging with community, and utilising the tools and platforms provided by, SingularityNET, and Ocean Protocol.

Q.9 What is the ASI alliance?

Ans. a collaboration between, SingularityNET, and Ocean Protocol aimed at advancing decentralised, Artificial General Intelligence, and Artificial Superintelligence (ASI).

Q.10 how does SingularityNET’s existing and future research contribute to the creation of artificial general intelligence?

Ans. Proposing novel, developmental architectures that seek to resolve existing developmental shortcomings concerning AGI.

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दोस्तों उम्मीद करता हूं कि आपने यह Binance FET Quiz खेल लिया होगा और इसके सभी सवालों के Answers आपने सही सही दे दिया होगा।

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